Kindergarten 2026 Events
School Tour - Wednesday 28th May, 10 am
Information Evening - Wednesday 30th July, 6.30 pm
Transition Days - Thursday 6th & 20th November, 9.30 am - 11.15 am
Starting school is an extremely important step for both your child and you.
At Castle Cove Public School the Kindergarten classrooms are large welcoming buildings that allow for group work, structured play areas, painting, computer and listening post areas. There is a spacious attractive playground with many shady trees, a native garden, an adventure playground and a sandpit area.
The school offers our students a well-balanced learning program that provides a wide variety of activities including use of the latest technological equipment.
How do you know if your child is ready?
Children develop at different rates and learn skills in different ways. It is the school's task to respond to the needs, learning styles and rates of progress of individual students. Schools also plan learning experiences based on the skills that students bring to school. The starting school page of the Department of Education and Training website provides guidelines to assist you in determining your child's readiness for school.
Once you have made this important decision, it is our goal at Castle Cove Public School to ensure that your child feels happy and safe, from his or her very first day. To achieve this goal, we have implemented and extensive information and orientation program, and an ongoing buddy system. We take a welcoming approach to your child's first day of school.
What is the right age?
Children may begin school at the start of the school year, providing their fifth birthday occurs on or before 31st July in that year.
Some gifted or talented children may be ready to start school at an earlier age, while others may benefit from being a little older. By law, all children must start school by their sixth birthday.
Parents will need to provide proof of their child's age when starting school.
Children with special needs
Specialist advice and support is available to parents or caregivers of children with disabilities, to help them access appropriate educational services. Talk to the school as early as possible about these services.
How do I enrol?
Click here to be taken to our enrolments page.